how to prepare for exam
02:36am disappointed with my verbal
score since I've spent so much
time on it. I got a 680 V and 750
Math. I do not know where I
went wrong with the verbal
section, as I was scoring above
700's on the power prep, but I
suspect it was on several
sentence completions and
reading comp. A major reason
why I did poorer may have been
because I simply forgot to take
the 5 minute break after the
Quantitative section and my
mind was still reeling from that
section. Just to let you know, I
had no idea what the key words
on the last two questions
(antonyms) on the verbal
section were (Furrow and
Pinion), despite 3 solid months
of studying vocabulary; I don't
even think I ever encountered
these words. Exasperating. :x
In my opinion, the Barron's book
is the superior of the mentioned
prep courses. However, you
might want to check out the
GREBIBLE? if you can; its
supposed to be the best. I've
used the Kaplan test and
breezed through the Princeton
Review but I do not recommend
either of them. Their strategy
may help a little but the rigor of
their practice exams are quite
weak compared to that of the
actual GRE. I was blown away
by how ridiculously difficult the
math section got. It started
asking me some tough
questions I did not know that
the GRE would ask, such as on
standard deviation. Come to
think of it, I don't even believe
the Barron book goes over it. In
fact, I was so bogged by the
difficulty of these questions I
had like 10 minutes to go over
the last 13 problems of the
section and I basically skimmed
and guessed the last 13
questions; needless to say, I feel
I am very lucky to get the math
score that i did.
I was shooting for a 1500+ like
yourself, and I am tempted to
take it over again, but I feel that
it isn't worth my time anymore.
My score seems to be on the
higher end of the average GRE
score for the political science
programs I will be applying to.
You should definitely check the
schools you are interested in to
see the mean scores. The GRE
CAT can get ridiculously difficult
but it is do able; I wish you the
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